What The Vaxed Doesn't Know About The Unvaxed But Should

When I read news articles that claim that hospital staff are overwhelmed with unvaxed covid patients, I will tell you why they're untrue.

I will start off with the fact that the unvaxed have deep trust issues. With that said, we will never seek medical attention - because we don't want that kind of attention. In addition to this, we rely on our God-given immune system.

We do not want our bodies poked by a fake pcr test and we don't want to be misdiagnosed or improperly treated, so if we fall ill, you will never know about it...

To back-up our level of distrust, we know that doctors treat covid patients under new regulations which are unsafe. I encourage you to go on the NIH website and look it up yourself. Their guidelines for treating it includes casirivimab or REGEN-COV which is still brand new and under clinical trial. Casirivimab is designed to treat the spike-protein that they denied existed... In addition to this, casirivimab is also designed to create ... wait for it ... covid variants! This cocktail uses Regeneron's VelocImmune® technology that utilizes a proprietary genetically engineered mouse platform endowed with a genetically humanized immune system to produce optimized fully human antibodies, and is NOT approved for humans as is the covid vaccine, but that shouldn't scare you...

Like we rejected the vaxx, we also reject unapproved of - and unsafe medicine. The FDA withdrew the approval of Ivermectine - which was a successful way of treating the so-called covid virus.

Ivermectine was solving the problem so there was no profit to be made - they couldn't have that...They needed something that would bring in profits - look it up! LSE: AZN, NYSE: AZN

REGEN-COV or casirivimab calms your immune response and possibly worsens the condition according to Dr Kenny of Chief Medical Officer of Flosonics Medical, and should not be administered to patients.

In addition to this, casirivimab carries side-effects that simulate symptoms of the coronavirus which might make hospital staff believe symptoms are getting worse.

REGEN-COV or casirivimab can also cause death through anaphylaxis (the side-effects really are only a softened version of anaphylaxis...) and the risk of birth defects and miscarriages is promised! Oh, and guess how casirivimab or REGEN-COV is administered? By intravenous injection! In addition to this, they successfully removed themselves from all liability under the EUA should treatments (in addition to the vax) result in injury and/or death.

Furthermore there is now what is called an "acceptable death rate" from the vax or covid treatments. 

We, the unvaxed, will not allow any medical practitioner to play Russian-Roulette with our health - so believe me when I say, the unvaxed are not the ones going to the hospital. We will not seek medical attention if we fall ill. We will treat ourselves as though we have the flu - and be done with it.

This is why I say, hospital staff are NOT overwhelmed with unvaxed patients. We are resisting ALL medical tyranny - and that includes medical malpractice which we know is going on. It's the vaxed that are returning to their medical practitioners because the vax is a defective product - and like all defective products, they get returned!

We believe the honest doctors who have been treating the vaxed. We know some of them even lost their livelihoods because new government demands defy the Hippocratic Oath they took, to keep their jobs.

We believe doctors such as Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Simmone Gold, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Charles Hoffe, Dr Scott Jensen, Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Michael Yeadon former Pfizer scientist, Dr Robert Malone who created the mRNA, Dr Andrew Wakefield and Dr Stephen Malthouse (and many others) who know the vax induces medical injuries and death. They have blood tests proving the science that the vax is highly dangerous - resulting is new diseases (and deaths) that they don't know how to treat.

We also believe Dr Annie Bukacek who came forward when the CDC mandated medical professionals to falsify covid-19 death certificates to inflate the number of covid deaths. You can read more here.

We will not ever believe the singleness of the media or the government who suppress any opposing views. In the Court of Law, "Cross Examination" is the Legal Process designed to cast-doubt on a witness's statement. Just because the media , government, CDC, FDA, NIA and the WHO claim the vax is safe (while still in clinical trial) doesn't mean a thing when all they do is create hype while suppressing the truth and mocking opposing views. It angers me and it should anger you too! If you behaved like this in a court-room, you'd be held in contempt of court! This is medical-gang-violence! Do you get it?

Now we see this as a cult due to the new label the covax is now under - Covid-19 immunity + mRNA + community = Comirnaty - Doesn't that just leave you with a warm - fuzzy feeling...?

Now we look at the financial report: The government of Canada is a major stakeholder Tekmira Pharmaceuticals - a company involved in the study and advancement of gene-silencing technology. But they're not a company committed to health, they're a company committed to financial growth! Its right here - you can see it for yourself; just go to www.bdc.ca/en/about/who-we-are this organization is raking in heavy profits by everything they are taking from you - especially your health and  your small business. If you click on the Industries tab, you will see all the fields they are targeting for their financial gain. You can get a piece of this pie but only if you financially qualify and I doubt you will unless you have millions in collateral. This is a "come with your assets" club.

In Canada, we are seeing the worst violation of citizens' rights in terms of right to gather, operating your small business, rights to your own body (bodily sovereignty), your informed consent, your right to know the truth, your right to make our own medical decisions and even your rights over your children. Now the question is how much more are you willing to tolerate?

It's only the comfortable and the slothful who sit in front of the tv and believe all the propaganda you hear and see; It's the educated who examine the evidence and put their trust in true science.

You have 2 choices and that is to take a stand against tyranny or take your seat with the cowards!

If our government can mush these lies in our faces we should be mushing the truth back in theirs!

#WeThePeople are watchfully aware of what is going on, and we are going to fight for truth and freedom.


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