
Wandering Star

"The world is a spinning ball - but only to those who are being bounced around in it." Planet  —  a celestial body moving in the sky, as distinguished from a fixed star. Astronomy  —  a study based on research and observation. Solar System  —  a gravitationally bound system of the sun and the objects that orbit it. Our solar system is believed to be a gravitationally bound system. This is considered a phenomenon? Did you know that a phenomenon is considered an observable fact ? Explain to me how anything outside our of earth is observable? Better yet, who would we ever believe something that we cannot observe ourselves? Have we become so gullible that we believe (willfully) anything they can manipulate with pictures? I hope not! Please note, other words for phenomenon is paradox, enigma, abnormal, appearance, and inconsistency - just to name a few... Hebrews 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a go...


Did you know that lungs are lined with specialized hair-like cells called cilia? The cilia move in a coordinated way to remove dust, excess moisture and other impurities from your lungs. When impurities enter the lungs, the cilia is stimulated, and that's what makes you cough-expelling them out. As impurities accumulate, the cilia becomes impaired and your coughing ability goes away. This puts you at risk for these impurities to stay in your lungs permanently-leading to lung and respiratory diseases. The last covid related flu I got, I needed to cough, but wasn't able to (yes, I refused the jab). The congestion was heavy. I knew something wasn't right - I mean, how does one suffer the flu with the urge to cough, but not be able to? (This is my conspiracy theory kicking in...) After that, I have had immense trouble breathing to the point to where I my lungs couldn't take in enough oxygen. I started rubbing rose essential oil and black pepper essential oil in high concent...


Matthew 6:24 Amplified - Classic - No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the  one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in). This picture is of Natalie Grant. The rite of investiture, is the placing upon the aspirant some garment, as an indication of his appropriate preparation for the ceremonies in which they are about to engage in.  In Freemasonry, the symbolism is communicated by the apron, which is the first gift which the aspirant receives.   XIX is the angelic number 19 which signifies pride and the ability to create your own destiny. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.  Jude 19   The Christian music industry is under the spirit of the anti-Christ.  I stopped listening to mainstream Christian music a few months ago as I became woe-fully...

Take Legal Action With This Document Against Covid Policies

 Representing yourself against Covid mandates just got a lot easier with this document. All you need to do is tailor it for your city, province, workplace or any other place that violates your rights and freedoms. Feel free to copy and save it. This is not legal advice nor should it be construed as legal advice.  If you need legal advice, please consult a civil lawyer near you. If your employer puts a mandate in place, you can sue to receive a severance and or up to 2 full years pay! Please seek legal advice. You can get up to 30 minutes of free legal advice through your provincial lawyer referral service. #KnowYourRights Today’s Date   Between: Your Employer         Employers Address          and: Your Name Your Address To whom it may concern, I am writing in relation to the recent notice to all Name of Workplace employees on Insert Date in regards to a memorandum titled “Novel Cor...