Wandering Star
"The world is a spinning ball - but only to those who are being bounced around in it." Planet — a celestial body moving in the sky, as distinguished from a fixed star. Astronomy — a study based on research and observation. Solar System — a gravitationally bound system of the sun and the objects that orbit it. Our solar system is believed to be a gravitationally bound system. This is considered a phenomenon? Did you know that a phenomenon is considered an observable fact ? Explain to me how anything outside our of earth is observable? Better yet, who would we ever believe something that we cannot observe ourselves? Have we become so gullible that we believe (willfully) anything they can manipulate with pictures? I hope not! Please note, other words for phenomenon is paradox, enigma, abnormal, appearance, and inconsistency - just to name a few... Hebrews 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a go...